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Status Updates posted by Noxii

  1. Me when I get a hold of a really good beef! <_<



  2. Finally arrived in Roscoff with @Natalia / Hipoiita and @Anriandor after 1 hour and 40 minutes of driving from Bergen. :)



    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Thats a nice long trip :) I prefer shorter trips tho :P Unless its a convoy ;)

    2. Noxii


      Agreed, but An decided it was Roscoff and then it's that so yeah we just tagged along. Had Aestrial with us too sadly he had to go early and didn't make it all the way... :(

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      oh :(  I saw him twice today ;)

  3. Congratulations to my fav Dane, you should celebrate with some weinerbröd! :P

    1. Mika L.

      Mika L.

      Wienerbrød is good! :lol:

    2. KhaosHammer


      Thank you Nox ❤ :wub:

  4. So upon request I have configured the dash cam finally to show the proper current time in Norway while recording and I have also configured it to show the current speed (might be a bit wonky/not that correct since it uses GPS to get the speed and theres several "dead zones" up here), I decided to have a look at how it looked with a short clip from earlier today when a bus driver pulled out in front of us making me a bit furious at him.



    So here's another clip for those of ya still interested, a longer clip will be uploaded later today as soon as I get to a place with proper Wi-Fi.


    Hope you'll like it, please feel free to leave some feedback of what you think of them etc but please keep in mind that I'm no pro video editor etc so please be gentle. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noxii


      I drive a Scania R580 Evolution125 2016 model MJ.


      And well contracts and contracts, the company I drive for have a contract with Tine the Norwegian dairy producer so I drive dairy products and food between their terminals around northern Norway.

    3. Jacrispyxd
  5. Poor Bugatti, probably worlds shortest time someone has held a world record...


    0-250km/h in 8 seconds.

    0-400km/h in 26 seconds.


    THAT is a dream car, but would never be able to drive such a car cuz I would just lose my license instantly. B)



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noxii


      Trust me Nate, he’s Swedish, he’s ALWAYS got a bear ready! :P

  6. Been without internet for the past 4 hours basically on my computer, my 4 last hours of freedom in this week off before I now have to head back to work and this is totally how I felt... :mellow:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noxii


      I was in the middle of a trip with Nat and everything when it just when "Nope you ain't"... :(

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Losing internet is horrible :unsure:

  7. A short jump between Gardemoen and Arlanda in the early morning. :)




    1. Beachside Strangler

      Beachside Strangler

      fly to Atlantic City...Ill take you gambling

  8. Was quite some load on the Event server tonight, it was fun to see that so many enjoyed it and everyones reactions to the stuff around!


    Me, @Anriandor, @Smoky_TMP and @W4chund had set up an accident blocking off 2 lanes due to somebody not being able to drive without smashing into the other, wonder who of them it was tho. So here's a short clip from the accident scene for those of you interested. :)



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Nice :D The 30/40 mins I was able to fo before I had to go was great :D Fun event, hope there will be another :)

    3. Beachside Strangler
  9. This is about how I feel and look going home from the bar at 4 in the morning...



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      that's creepy lol

      Tie to celebrate thats 100 posts noxii!

    3. Noxii


      Wohooooo I've reached 100 posts in 2 years! xD

    4. -Gonzalez-


      Congrat!!!!! to that B)

  10. Somehow I kinda like the look of this truck.



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Guest


      nice to know, only thing everyone will drive that when its released lol

    3. Noxii


      Haha true, I suppose it will take a week or two then everyone will start going back to the brand they like the most again.

    4. Guest



      Like when doubles where released they all went to the B-O road then 2 weeks later back to the C-D hahaha

  11. OMG I mean I can't, like goooood I am literally speachless....


    I just finished watching The Shannara Chronicles that I found to seem interesting like 3 days ago, watched all 10 episodes of season one and just got finished with the final episode and I am all out of words. I don't know what to do with my life anymore, I mean whyyyyyy.... :(



  12. Landed at Heathrow and in the process of deboarding, wonder where to next. Maybe St Marteens or Skiathos. B)



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spirit Omega Wolf

      Spirit Omega Wolf

      XD longest taxi you will ever do with that runway

    3. Noxii


      Well I take that back then, maybe won't do that then! :P Yeah I heard from a friend that's been there that they have some of the longest taxi times in the world...

    4. Spirit Omega Wolf

      Spirit Omega Wolf

      IRL it took me abour 30 mins to taxi from my gate to 36L 
      In game it takes about 15. ofcourse on vatsim there is no where as much traffic as IRL

  13. I am still simply amazed by the level of detail and graphics in this simulator! :wub:



    1. xBestBBx


      I simply love P3D. It's just about the best flight sim about there. 

    2. Noxii


      Yeah agreed, I was flying X-Plane before and thought that was good. Oh god I was wrong. P3D sure looks amazing with a couple of add-ons installed! :)

    3. Fading


      i wish i could afford or could be arsed to afford that game. looks 100000x better than fsx.

  14. Looks like I was just flying over a thunderstorm! :)



  15. Short jump this early morning, anyone here able to guess what airport this is? :)



  16. @Chris - TFM da pro trucker! :D



    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. LordBenji


      Oh gosh, I've done the same thing before, always while typing -.-

    3. Noxii


      Well at least that's an excuse, I highly doubt Mr Pro was typing in this situation! :P

  17. Oh Krav is it your birthday already? I see in the picture you sent me that you already have chugged in on the booze.


    Happy birthday you crazy little same!



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noxii


      I think you might be lying...

    3. _Pingu_


      it says krav is 21 years old, convert that into cat years and thats 100 years old, FAM no wonder he has such a slow reaction speed 

    4. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      kravatie ain't have time for his birthday yet :P

  18. Landed safely in Tromsø! :D




  19. I am still amazed by the sunsets in this game and the level of detail on this aircraft! :wub:



  20. All set up for a London flight in a stormy night! :)




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spirit Omega Wolf

      Spirit Omega Wolf

      Ah. Anyway. Intrested in FSXCC (Flight Simulator X Competition Center) its a large community with 300+ members. We do landing competions, Group flights on MP and VATSIM. Its a very... strange and different community to any others i know. We dont just have FSX as a main game either. A lot of us regulary play other games with eachother. There are numerous people on FSXCC who would be more then willing to help you get into VATSIM if you wish and help learn. 
      Send me a message if your intrested. 
      All you need to join up is a website account with FSXCC.com and 24hrs in FSX:SE and your done. 

    3. Noxii


      Well that would be hard since I don't just FSX, I fly in P3D v4 :P

    4. Spirit Omega Wolf

      Spirit Omega Wolf

      Nah its all good. Most people fly in P3D here. Just use FSX:SE for the comps as people are not buying P3D just fly in a comp. 

  21. Just got onto the D-C road and already have 45% damage on my trailer, oh the joys... :mellow:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    3. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      45% Damage? Oh, so lucky, 45% is nothing for this road :troll:

    4. LordBenji


      Everyone entering near or on busy C-D road should know the risks. It's like gambling, you have a chance to survive or get little damage, or you can be rammed several times.

  22. Boarding has started, waiting for the luggage to arrive and then we're off for a night flight. 




    Leaving Trondheim heading towards a place a bit further south.



  23. OMG this sunset! :wub:




    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Spirit Omega Wolf

      Spirit Omega Wolf

      747 aint bad. I dont do long haul tho so no idea why i bought it XD TBH 737 and 747 are too easy to use. Im sure IRL it is a lot harder with all the buttons that PMDG havnt put in. 
      Got Aerosoft A320/21 so gonna be checking them out soon on FSX. 

    3. Noxii


      Oh noes you bought the Aerosoft one, it's crap from what I've heard :P I got the FSLabs one for P3D just gotta wait until they update it for V4.


      That is awesome to hear BestBB, can't wait since it truly does look amazing! :)

    4. Spirit Omega Wolf

      Spirit Omega Wolf

      umm.... i didnt say i bought it shhhhhh >.>  Friend. 

  24. Soon ready to depart towards Bergen. :)



  25. A new and long video is up for those who's interested, 2 hours and 20 minutes of footage shortened to 34 minutes of trucking along the northern Norwegian evening as you will get to see some wilderness, sunset and arriving in Tromsø after dark. Hope you'll like it. :)



    (Due to copyright issues the video is not available in Greece and Cyprus)

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