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Noxii last won the day on December 29 2019

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About Noxii

  • Birthday August 23

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    Not Telling
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    English, Swedish & Norwegian

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  1. So after a loooong time of not uploading anything on my YouTube channel I've finally uploaded a new clip, this one is in real time and recorded with the background sounds from within the truck and above all it's POV.


    I hope those of you who decide to give it a watch actually likes it! ?




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ScaniaFan89


      Going by the hands & watch i think your a guy, did you have the diff lock on the whole time & whats with the full beam flashing in tunnels,is that a legal requirement for oncoming vehicles ( never see that before ).

    3. Noxii


      It's a video why do you have to make it about gender jeez...


      I did not have diff lock on, it's a 6x4 my truck so we have different configs of it and this is needed for us to be able to move load over from the rear drive axle to the front drive axle. When it comes to the high beams, no there is no regulations or laws however it's common practice up here that truckers do so when driving through narrow tunnels to alert each other as you can easily lose your mirrors or smash the roof of the trailer into the roof of the tunnel if you're not careful when meeting other trucks in these tunnels around here.

    4. ScaniaFan89


      Where were you driving from & to? some long tunnels at the start, truck sounds nice around the 1500rpm mark...you should let that v8 stretch its legs more,talking of which i always wondered what the blue area meant at 2000rpm. Is it simply stating where the max power is or something related to engine / exhaust braking 

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