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Veteran Driver VII
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About SilviuSlv

  • Birthday 02/14/1990

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Milano

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  1. Sa inteleg ca aceste conditii sunt pentru myvtc nu ?
  2. Am avut o perioada aglomarata la servici si n-am mai verificat forumul, multumesc pentru raspuns si daca mai ramane valabila cererea sau trebuie sa fac alta o sa fac , acuma s-au mai linistit apele pe la servici si pot fi mai activ . cu stima,
  3. Am facut si eu o cerere la voi pe forum si n-am primit niciun raspuns
  4. O sa intru mai tarziu ca acuma sunt pe telefon si tastez greu !
  5. Am facut cerere si nici pana in ziua de astazi nu a fost acceptata sau respinsa
  6. dami detalii despre firma
  7. angajeaza vreo firma activa ?? cu membri care sa joace nu doara sa de umplutura
  8. o bere rece ar trebuie sa ajute ))
  9. hahaha ) si eu am dormit pana mai tarziu si acuma bantui prin casa ca e prea cald afara )))
  10. Neata neata ce faceti?
  11. it's your convoy fault you must have some distance between trucks right???
  12. but the warning can start from 40% dmg to 100% dmg .... but it's easy to say -1 , i understand now ... when someone has a nice idea and you dony have that idea you imedly say -1 ...
  13. it mean you dont know to drive if you hit a parked truck right ??? so you like when people hit you and they leave the area ...well good luck
  14. i think the proof will be when that player is make a screenshot to the ramming and you have your proof screenshot and the warning received right??
  15. i think they can make something coding so the server recognize the truck or the wall.. but if you say -1 to my suggestion , its good when people is ramming you and they leave the area and you have 70% dmg ??? it's good in your mind....
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