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Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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About flybel

Profile Information

  • Interests
    computers & science, especially computer science :P
  • Preferred Trucks
  • Known languages
    German, English, (French, Dutch)

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flybel's Achievements


Apprentice (3/13)

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Community Answers

  1. Schade, dass du das Team verlassen hast. Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg bei dem was du so tust und noch vor hast! 


    Danke für deine Arbeit und alles gute dir :HaulieLove: 


    Bleib gesund und vielleicht bis bald! 


    Liebe Grüße


  2. Damit keine Verwirrung entsteht, ob es jetzt mit 6 oder 1 weitergeht, das zählte als Reset, also: 1
  3. Sad to see you leave :HaulieLove: ?

  4. Dankeschön, wir sind die Cantina Band. Wenn ihr Songwünsche habt, ruft sie einfach! *Spielt denselben Song nochmal!* Alles klar, denselben Song. Und los!
  5. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Caernage has been promoted to Community Moderator (Forum).
  6. Gegen rennende Zeit hilft: Technik bestellen. Dank aktueller Lieferzeit soll mein Paket frühestens am 1. Dezember geliefert werden, und Schwupps, schon ist die Adventszeit noch eine Ewigkeit hin ?
  7. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @AllstarDK leaves the team due to lack of time.
  8. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Farm Shark has been promoted to Community Moderator (Discord) after a successful training period.
  9. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @DepperitoR has been promoted to Community Moderator (Forum) after a successful training period.
  10. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @DatSpeed has been promoted to Community Moderator (Forum) after a successful training period.
  11. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [PLAYER] @DatSpeed joins the TruckersMP Team as Community Moderator Trainee (Forum).
  12. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [SUPPORT + COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Crіtіcal has been promoted to Community Moderator (Discord), while remaining in the Support Team.
  13. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Aestrial has been promoted to Community Moderator (Discord).
  14. flybel

    TruckersMP Team

    [GAME MODERATOR + COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @.George leaves the Community Moderation Team (Stream), while remaining as Game Moderator.
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