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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About TheAlive55

  • Birthday 12/01/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Russia. Omsk
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Slovakia: Banska Bystrica

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  1. happy Birthday my friend 

  2. In the DLC DAF Tuning Pack to protect the bumper on the sides, you can put dimensional markers, so ... if you go with them to the MP, then on my track they are, but on the track of other players they are not visible. Besides, my friend has it fixed. And he has a similar situation, on his track he sees them, but on mine there.
  3. Please fix side marker, it's invisible.
  4. Why not see Bibendum from other players?
  5. Please, add -nointro command to launch games!
  6. Update please winter mod to the latest version!
  7. OMG! Nice!
  8. Nice! Good luck!
  9. Hi! Thanks for the update! Fixed please nighttime and shaking accessories on the track standing .
  10. Fix Aria trailer skin please!
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