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About Hawksfan2102

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Swede Express

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  1. Does ANYONE know how to convert (and do def files) for a model to use in the map editor? Anyone at all, would be great!!

  2. What have I missed?? All these status updates about @I<3VODKA...  :lol:

  3. Who feels like going for a drive on ETS2?

  4. When you get a 2 day ban for saying "s**t sorry" in chat. Lagged, truck goes into the back of me. We were both all cool with it. Then oh apparently I'm not allowed to say that, even though I apologized, boom banned. I guess I won't apologize from now on then. And the fact that you do it during such an event, when people like me are trying to support the lives of children. You wonder why you are loosing players, this is a perfect example.

    1. Show previous comments  46 more
    2. Spieker


      We should make the biggest convoy evvaaaaa to show solidarity with everybody who got banned for no reason :D

    3. Hawksfan2102


      Ahahaha, I know it was aye ;)

    4. Kibatsume


      If needed send a [email protected] email. 



  5. Perhaps it is (or not), I would recommend contacting a web developer or sending TruckersMP an email if you don't get any further replies
  6. No worries, always happy to help out where I can. See you round trucking sometime
  7. There might be, not too sure myself. I've never managed an IPS hosted forum before, so I can't say whether or not there is. Perhaps there is, just hiding away somewhere
  8. AFAIK, this is not up to the owners of the website (TruckersMP). In fact, it is the website provider (Invision Power Services). It's like this on all of their sites that I use, it's up to them what goes
  9. If you want to avoid lag as much as possible, choose a server with less population and/or one which is closest to your physical location. And always leave approx 100m when overtaking, to allow for lag
  10. Easiest way to avoid this problem... Do the first couple of jobs in single player, buy your first truck and then you're ready to head into MP. This avoids any times when you can't freeroam, and instead just find a resting place and sleep. Problem fixed
  11. Ping in most cases can't be fixed. It's the location of the server which causes the low or high ping you get (the closer the server, the lower the ping) and keep in mind that servers do cost money! And ping spikes are normally caused by your own end, nothing people at TruckersMP can do about it. Sometimes it happens (happens to me with Aussie internet sometimes lol...), just gotta put up with it
  12. There are many company management websites outside of TruckersMP for all you people wanting to create/join a VTC. An alternative is... Think of a name and a paint scheme and simply go trucking with your friends! And perhaps, you can create a website, Steam group or Teamspeak/Discord server too. You don't always have to join a management website in order to play with your friends, they're mainly useful if you want to record all of your trips. Best of luck, and have fun trucking in TruckersMP!
  13. Looking for a VTC management site!! First one to comment on this post, I will take a look at :)

  14. All depends on the quality of your internet connection. I know that when others are downloading in my house, or even just simply browsing the web (Aussie internet for ya) my ping goes sky high. I've had a few times where there are many players around and that then causes my ping to rise too. Perhaps someone was watching YouTube at the time? If your internet connection isn't usually like that and the problem persists, try giving your service provider a call
  15. ^ Agreed. I've only ever taken a trailer once to the racetrack, and that was the end of a convoy in which we then had a race afterwards (without trailers)
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