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About djoh

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    Germany: Düsseldorf
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  1. Hello there, Have you got the appropriate answer to your question? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum always organized. Looking forward to hear back from you! Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support
  2. djoh

    Need Help - No textures.

    Hello there, Have you got the appropriate answer to your question? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum always organized. Looking forward to hear back from you! Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support
  3. Hello @Highland Haulage Manager, Are you using the reworked Volvo FH4? If so, the CB wasn't yet integrated into it, thus it doesn't work. Also keep in mind that after you switch from that Volvo to another truck, you will have to change your CB channel again using the /channel chat command. Hope this fixes your issue! Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support
  4. Hello @Exarton, Officially, there is no support for that platform. However, if you are using an Intel chip, some users were able to play on TruckersMP using Bootcamp or something similar. Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support
  5. You will always be ahead of everyone else on your screen. For others, however, you could've been far behind the other two player depending on how big your ping was.
  6. Hello there Since this topic has been inactive for more than a week, I am going to move it to Unsolved Topics. If you need any help in the future, do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket. Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support //Moved to Unsolved Topics
  7. Hello there, Since this topic has been inactive for more than a week, I am going to move it to Unsolved Topics. If you need any help in the future, do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket. Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support //Moved to Unsolved Topics
  8. Hello there, Since this topic has been inactive for more than a week, I am going to move it to Unsolved Topics. If you need any help in the future, do not hesitate to contact us again by creating another topic or a support ticket. Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support //Moved to Unsolved Topics
  9. Even if there was an alternative route towards CD, there would still be loads of traffic jams when it comes to merging the two routes. So, unless I am missing something, I don't see how this is going to work in a positive way.
  10. Памяти не хвататет. Попробуйте увеличить размер файла подкачки.
  11. Unfortunately we don't know that.
  12. Здравствуйте, @Z1rex, Я ответил на похожий вопрос ниже: С уважением, djoh Команда поддержки TruckersMP
  13. Здравствуйте, @Mishka66, Множество игроков с РФ не могут подключиться к нашим серверам из-за этой проблемы. К сожалению, мы с этим ничего поделать не можем, поскольку ограничение было создано провайдерами самой страны. Некоторые пользователи смогли обойти эту проблему, подключившись к раздаче мобильного интернета с телефона. Также, есть шанс, что ВПН сможет помочь. С уважением, djoh Команда поддержки TruckersMP
  14. Hello there, Special Transport deliveries are not available on TruckersMP due to some difficulties they provide. On the positive note, you can still use all the accessories the DLC provides (paintjobs, beacons, etc). Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support
  15. Hello there, Have you got the appropriate answer to your question? Your confirmation of the status of your issue helps us keep the forum always organized. Looking forward to hear back from you! Kind Regards, djoh TruckersMP Support
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