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Veteran Driver VII
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About NoMoreFury

  • Birthday 10/25/1996

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  1. Hey I'm Really Sorry My Issue is solved now
  2. hi there today i want to play ets2 mp badly but suddenly game start crashing idk why --------------------------- Game crashed - FATAL ERROR --------------------------- An application fatal error! Do you want to send crash.log file to developers? --------------------------- Yes No --------------------------- EDIT: I did verify the game files on steam but im still unavailable to play
  3. Thanks for info man
  4. --------------------------- Euro Truck Simulator 2 --------------------------- The game filesystem failed to initialize, aborting now. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- Whenever i try to launch the multiplayer got this eror please help
  5. --------------------------- Euro Truck Simulator 2 --------------------------- The game filesystem failed to initialize, aborting now. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- Help?
  6. when it will be resolve this issue literly s***
  7. Hy please help me when i play ets2mp on city fps start droping outside city i go normal fls on fps i got no fps droping issue ease help me. My pc specs intel core i3 4690 3.5 ghz Ram crosair.vengernce 8 gb 1600 mhz Card Asus Gtx 750 2 gb os Windows 10 pro And yes i also got fps drop issue on win 8.1
  8. #ETS2MP Guys Good Game,Well Played
  9. Have You Reinstall your Windows ?? wich Windows Are you using Now it may Be Windows Problem check it
  10. Thank you Guys for Helping me I Got unbanned thank You ets 2 Mp Team i Love This Game And Dev <3
  11. help cant understand my Ban Expires it's Show 2015-05-22 04:55:00 it's pm or am? i cant understand this pm i google uk time it's show 4:48 PM
  12. да же случилось со мной, братан, это отставание, когда я войти в любой город Translate :yup same happend to me Bro it's lag when i enter any city
  13. Please Release R3 Update On This update Game Get lag when i enter any City my Game lag For 1 Minute And its automatically Fixed
  14. Nice Work GG
  15. its not working for me Why ? i really wanted to pla ets2mp feeling Alone i have others game like bf4 dota 2 cod AW csgo much more games but i Wanted to play ETs2MP Like Ets2 mp is fun <3
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