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Veteran Driver III
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  1. I like this logger it's given me a chance to start all over. I keep the other loggers running in the background but TruckersHub is what I am focusing on.
  2. Yea cool addition
  3. Updated Kenworth W900 parts "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x2_long.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x2_long_midlift.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x4_mid.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x4_mid_midlift.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x2_short.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x2_short_midlift.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x4_long.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x4_long_100y.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x4_mid.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/6x4_short.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/8x4_long_midlift.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/8x4_mid_midlift.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/8x4_short_midlift.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/8x6_long.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/8x6_mid.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/chassis/8x6_short.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/cabin/day.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/cabin/s72.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/cabin/s86.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/day_diamond_black.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/day_diamond_gray.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/day_splendor_gray.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/s72_diamond_black.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/s72_diamond_gray.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/s72_splendor_gray.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/s86_diamond_black.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/s86_diamond_gray.sii" "/def/vehicle/truck/kenworth.w900/interior/s86_splendor_gray.sii"
  4. Мiles

    Broken W900

    Ok I'll report this to SCS.
  5. Мiles

    Broken W900

    I know this is an issue with SCS and not the fault of TMP. But I was wondering if it was possible for one of you guys to fix the problem SCS caused! I have not seen any other users ask you guys this but can you fix the broken W900? We can no longer do the day cab cabin on a med or long frame. The cabin sinks into the ground and flips the truck over. This is very unfortunate in ATS because American culture loves long chassis day cab semi trucks. Especially farmers and loggers it's not phantasy it's just SAFTEY!!! Is it at all possible for you guys to fix this issue at least within the walls of TMP? Please?
  6. Can you put the TMP logo on the side of containers that would look awesome.
  7. Where was this when I began? Would have been very useful! Anyone who is new to save edits will save themselves a lot of crashes and ruined game saves following this tutorial.
  8. Thanks for the updates, really modernizing TMP.
  9. The players who live to get others banned should be banned.
  10. How cool!
  11. Any chance we can get the Idaho potato trailer back? I don't care for that giant potato but the trailer underneath it was awesome. Can one of you nice developers give access to at least this def? "/def/vehicle/trailer/scs_flatbed/double_drop_potato.sii" If there's a good reason not to allow the actual potato load ("/def/vehicle/trailer_cargo/scs_flatbed/mega_potato.sii") I fully understand especially with all the branding, but could we pretty pretty please get back access to the double drop trailer?
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