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kubilay gülçebi

Veteran Driver III
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About kubilay gülçebi

  • Birthday 10/30/2005

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Turkey: Istanbul
  • Known languages
    türkçe ve ingilizce

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

    1. kubilay gülçebi
    2. kubilay gülçebi

      kubilay gülçebi

      bu link 


      The link I sent you will be live on YouTube tomorrow at 17:00 17:15 18:00 18:15 19.00 19:15, so I would like you to follow my channel, please. @L-DR@GO

    3. L-DR@GO
  2. My name is Gençağa Kubilay Gülçebi. Please be aware that I will be 19 years old. I have been playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 since 02.05.2021. But I want to enter the game I want and write game chat / login and look at the reports there and ban, kick, tpr, tprk. But This is Miyu* My application was not accepted, I cry every evening. Kind regards Gençağa Kubilay Gülçebi
  3. @Fezz

    knk why can't I be a game moderator?

    1. kubilay gülçebi

      kubilay gülçebi

      I don't have any active bans @Fezz

    2. kubilay gülçebi

      kubilay gülçebi

      is my discord ban, do you know who can open it? @Fez

  4. How are you? Are you okay? My application was not

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ^Asuka^


      The waiting time may be longer, but we also need to understand the staff

    3. kubilay gülçebi

      kubilay gülçebi

      how i don't quite understand that

    4. Poyraz





      §4.2 - Forum topics, posts, status updates, and private messages

      • Discussing punishments, reports, tickets, appeals, applications is prohibited, including complaints about staff.



      Hello, please do not discuss topics related to your application in the TruckersMP forum. You can follow the progress of your application on the Recruitment page. Be patient during this process and wait for the final result. I have locked the comment due to the above rules. Thanks for the your understanding.


      Best regars, NorthSprouts

      TruckersMP Forum Moderator.

  5. luna, when will this game mod eration be opened? Game Moderation I want to be there so much, just so you know.


    1. Poyraz


      @kubilay gülçebiYou can follow the team recruitments here. Please do not bother the managers about this issue.

  6. Brother Uğur loves you very much, I want this comment to be approved as soon as possible.
  7. JustBrankoGaming, I would like to be the moderator of this game. I have never played a game since you were there. Please, is there a specific time for this job? If you want, you can look at the link I posted. I would like you to understand that I have never played the game. you can check this link https://truckersmp.com/user/4272910 This link shows me playing games People with a recruitment ban of 0 for this job should apply for admin positions. Otherwise, people like this are confused, I don't want this to be looked at. Best regards Gencağa.Kubilay Gülçebi I love you all

  8. Translation Team Recruitment When does it open? I saw you opened it last year I request this not to be opened I request that game moderation not be opened from now on.
    • LimonLimitlimit I follow you so you can follow me too, good luck with your role, I expect you to do a good job.
    • LimonSinsiz, I love you very much, I want to be friends with you.

    1. LimeUnlimited


      Thank you for the follow!

  9. Hello friends, let me introduce you to my name, they call me short kubi, but I prefer kubilay instead. I have been following this truckersMp since 02 May 2021 06:59, just so you know. Due to some mistakes here, we were banned from there, that's why we did not become admins. There are Admins who are my favorites here, many greetings to them Some admins here are complaining, I will explain it in 2 pages. There was a problem with some admins here, so I'm complaining about some of them. miyu*. I'm a big fan of Ollie and 3 4 acrester There are some good names, there are good friends, there are some bad friends
  10. Friends, I wrote that article to make good relations with you. I don't want things to get bad between you and me. why don't I want For example, if there is something bad between us, I get upset and cry, and I just play a game. And I can't enter the game anymore because you banned me quickly. But I'll be here to show you a good time, you know that, right, friends. I'm a really good person I never lie. I don't believe people who lie, friends. If you trust me, can you read this text, please? Kind regards Gencağa.Kubilay.Gülçebi


    arkadaşalar ben sizinle aramız iyi olsun diye o yazı yazdım
    Ben sizile aramız kötü olmasın istemiyorum
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