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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About ChamalowYT

  • Birthday 05/21/2003

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  • Interests
    Working on the emergency transport of Organ & Blood!

    Driving an Peugeot 106 XS Phase 2 :P
  • Preferred Trucks
  • Known languages
    French, English, Turk

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  1. Hello the Patreon family Here is a new suggestion! Take the time to read it and told me what did you think! Suggestion Name: Alternating Vehicule exempt Suggestion Description: I really liked the fact that there was some variety on the road, it was kind of similar to the AI's, however I felt it was less. I know it's a basic truck game, but if this choice was made it's because it's fun! I propose, and it would be nice to have a "garage" (new panel or special TruckersMP truckdealer brand) with SEVERAL AI vehicles, and not only one, several accesses to AI vehicles, car, truck, bus,.. Maybe different for each Patreon rank. Any example images: Nooo sorryyyy ? Why should it be added?: To have more and more diversity on the roads of TruckersMP ?️ I know that taking AI and place it to the multiplayer is not that hard, sometimes it need some modification, but I do not really know if that possible due to maybe syncronisation issue or another else. Let's not forget that we, Patreon, are here to support the project financially, but the fact that we have a few extra things motivates us to continue to support the project to the maximum!
  2. Hello the Patreon family ? Here is a new suggestion! Take the time to read it and told me what did you think! Suggestion Name: More customization on the Skoda! Suggestion Description: It would be nice to have an upgrade of the PILOT lights to LED, but it would be even nicer to have our own lights! In a different color for example green, or whatever! I thought I saw that the Game Moderation Team are close to having access to a panel with messages on it, it would be nice if we had access to the same thing, and if it's possible to modify and put a custom message directly in game! (Of course by banning some characters like those used by the police). If it's possible, I imagine that it would be complicated to do in view of the syncronization and the implementation of a variable that allows to be modified in game directly. Any example images: Nope sorry ? Why should it be added?: Simply to have more diversity of customization! ? Let's not forget that we, Patreon, are here to support the project financially, but the fact that we have a little something extra motivates us to continue supporting the project to the max!
  3. Hello the Patreon family ? Here is a new suggestion! Take the time to read it and told me what did you think! Suggestion Name: An update of the paintjob of the skoda & trailer! Suggestion Description: The paint on these two extras is not entirely customizable in terms of color, and follows a certain color hierarchy. I would have liked to be able to modify it entirely, in terms of colors, and not be limited to changing only the front of the vehicle. Any example images: No. You can check direcly in-game that the Patreon skin can not be fully customized. Why should it be added?: Simply to have more diversity of customization! ? Just edit the paint-job to get it fully customizable, and maybe add a bigger logo(on the skoda) of the TruckersMP Logo, (or add some new cool paintjob) ?
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