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Game Moderator
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Shαdows

  1. Congrats bud! Best of luck!

  2. Happy belated Birthday! 

  3. Congrats on the promo! Best of luck in this new adventure! 

  4. Hey mate! Happy Birthday, have a good one!

  5. Wooohoo felicidades!!!! 

  6. Woohoooo!!! Congrats bud! 

    1. HandOfClash


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  7. Nooooo Bogsss ? Hope for the best. Hope to keep seeing you at the Vegas Truck Stop! 

  8. Congrats! Happy to see you back! 

  9. Congrats bud! Keep it up! 

  10. Congrats Mate!! Much deserved!

  11. Felicidades amigo! Buen hecho! 

  12. Sad to see you go bud! Take care and like always I am here for you bud ❤️ 

  13. Sad to see you get suspended, hope for the best. Take care and hope to see you return soon!

  14. Welcome back! 

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