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Game Moderator
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Shαdows

  1. Congrats!! Hope for the best! 

  2. Welcome back Legend!

  3. Big fan! Take care, I always enjoyed you being part of GM Team when joining our Convoys! Take care! 

  4. Congrats mate, happy to see you back!

  5. Congrats friend!!! 

  6. Congrats and good luck!

  7. Happy to see you back!

  8. Congrats and wish you the best in this new adventure! 

  9. Thank you for the follow!

  10. OMG!!! Felicidades!!!!! Mi hermano!!!


    1. The Witcher

      The Witcher

      Muchas gracias mi hermano ❤️

  11. Congrats bud!!!! Much deserved! 

  12. Big fan!!!! Congrats!!!

  13. Sad to see you leave Luna! Thanks for all you have done for TMP! Hope to see you on the virtual roads one day! 

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