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Game Moderator
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Shαdows

  1. Take care! 

  2. Take care mate sad to see you leave 😢

  3. Congrats mate!

  4. You be missed, hope all is good 

  5. Congrats big nub! Love you!

    1. mth.


      Thanks bud! Lots of love!! :HaulieLove:

  6. Felicidades mi amigo, me alegra verte de vuelta como GML :HaulieLove:

  7. Congrats new boss!! :HaulieLove:

  8. Congrats new boss!!

  9. Congrats mi hermano!!! Love you bro! 

    1. Blizzy87


      Thank you mi hermano 🙌 :HaulieLove:

  10. Take care Cyberskilzz

  11. OMG!!! Welcome bro! So happy to see you join the Team! 

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