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Game Moderator
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by Shαdows

  1. Congrats to those who successfully joined the Team 🎉
    @[MCG] Aashraye. @RadiantHorizon, @AC39,

    Congrats to those who got Promoted 🎉
    @Shαdows, @'Hüseyin. & @d4rksy

    Take care to those who have left the Team, best of luck for the future 🫡

  2. Congratulations manito! You deserve it a lot ❤️

  3. Congrats buddy!

    1. Shαdows


      Gracias mi amigo :HaulieLove:

  4. Guest

    Guest    Shαdows

    Hello and congrats on your promotion to Report Moderator!

    1. Shαdows


      I was already Report Moderator I joined Events Team :HaulieLove:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Felicitaciones guapo ❤️ :HaulieLove:

    1. Shαdows


      Gracias chulo :HaulieLove:

  6. Felicitaciones bro 👏

    1. Shαdows


      Gracias bro! 

  7. Congrats my dude ❤️

    1. Shαdows


      Thank you my friend! Happy to be part of the team and work alongside with you 

  8. Guest

    Guest    Shαdows

    Congratulations Mate!

  9. Congrats Buddy for GMT 🎉 

  10. Wow! Congratulations Amigo ❤️

  11. Congratulations buddy 🥳

  12. Congrats and Good luck with ur training 

  13. Congrats Shadows on babyadmennn well deserved love ya goodluck ❤️


    1. Shαdows


      Thank you my friend! 😍

  14. Congrats buddy!!<3

    1. Shαdows


      Thank you bud, appreciate it!

  15. Felicitaciones hermano ❤️ :HaulieLove:

    1. Shαdows


      Gracias mi hermano :HaulieLove:

  16. Congratulations!
    I'll be enquiring about GM Support very soon :kekw:

  17. Congratulations!
    I'll be enquiring about GM Support very soon :kekw:

    1. Shαdows


      I wish hehehe at this moment I only applied for Report Moderator 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Finallly! Congrats bro ❤️

    1. Shαdows


      Thank you bro! Love you!

  19. congratssssssssssssss!

    1. Shαdows


      Thank you big fan!

  20. Congratulations!!!

    1. Shαdows


      Thank you big  fan!


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