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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. This path is ok. I fixed the problem by installing it instead of Program Files (x86) in Program Files and it works now! Lock the thread
  2. And what is the right path?
  3. Please help me !!!! :X
  4. So a month ago i installed the new version of ets2mp and that was the time i got the error. Since then i gave up trying and playing ets2mp and today i decided to play it again but.. the error is still here after the new update :X it says "windows cannot access the specified device path or file you may not have the appropriate permissions" idk how to fix it, tried to reinstall the mod, run as administrator and still doesnt work!! :X:X im using windows 8.1 64 bit
  5. Still not working
  6. Yesterday i was logging in without any problem. But today i try to login and it says invalid E-mail or Password. However, I'm still able to log in here but i don't know why i can't login in game?
  7. И разбира се, темата е зарязана. 10/10 Колкото до xhector, виждал съм те няколко пъти в конвои, караш ужасно, изпреварваш, като цяло детска работа..
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