Suggestion Name: Remove the limiter and a lot of the no collision areas Suggestion Description: You should remove the limiter because it's too boring driving down an open road only going 90 and you should stop increasing the no collision areas they are practically half the map and it has just ruined Europort.
Any example images:
Why should it be added?: Does anyone remember going to Rotterdam and seeing the queue a mile away, it may sound strange but a lot of people enjoyed waiting in that queue it made the game more realistic and it was just an overall enjoyable experience even though you were hardly moving. Look at the picture on the home page of this forum, it's Rotterdam before they made the no collision zone cover the whole area, now when you go to Rotterdam you just drive straight through people and it's just not fun anymore, you don't get the same experience as before as now you don't need to worry about how long you're going to be waiting to before you can use the ferry as you can just drive through everyone anyway. But the amount of time you don't spend waiting in that queue is spent driving along a empty highway at 90 because that is the capped limit. Are you seriously trying to suc. all the fun out of multiplayer? Who thought that putting a cap on the speed was a good idea? It is so boring knowing that you could be going a lot quicker than you actually are but the limit is capped. dumb, if this wasn't the only multiplayer mod for this game then I assure you that people would stop playing this pile of shite, I have seen so many posts asking for the speed limit to be removed and so many people replying to these posts agreeing with it but you guys do all. I hope you don't make multiplayer for American Truck Simulator and try to suc. all the fun out of that game also because I'm fucki. done with this shit, why do you guys feel the need to put a speed cap on every server? Just take the speedcap and a lot of the no collision zones off one of the servers and I assure you a lot people would play it. I understand the need for no collision zones at garages etc. but not covering the whole of Europort.