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[MCG] Aashraye

Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About [MCG] Aashraye

  • Birthday 06/16/2004

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  • Interests
    Video Games
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Finland: Turku
  • Known languages
    English, Hindi

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  • Virtual Trucking Company

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  • World Of Trucks

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Community Answers

  1. Hello, This is not a bug, this is called save editing. By this method we can use parts from different trucks on other trucks. Or even add more accessories than allowed by scs. If you want to know about save editing, there's a discord chat aswell for save editing on TruckersMP discord server. Also have a look on this link aswell. It will provide more clarity on save editing. Link: Hope I was able to help you. Best regards, Aashraye
  2. Guest

    Janamdin ki Hardik Shubhkamnaye!

    1. [MCG] Aashraye

      [MCG] Aashraye

      Dhanywaad aapko 🥰

  3. Happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday!

    1. [MCG] Aashraye

      [MCG] Aashraye

      Thank you 🥰

  5. Happy Birthday 🎂 

    1. [MCG] Aashraye

      [MCG] Aashraye

      Thank you 🥰

  6. Happy Birthday 🎉 

  7. Hello, For this issue you need to contact Game Moderation Managers via Feedback. Only they can help you regarding this. Best regards, Aashraye
  8. Congrats bro 😀 ❤️

  9. Hello @Ka_Tray, It is indeed the case, like if you load your profile in newer version, then it cannot be used again in older version. Also if you load the profile with some map DLCs and then if you will try to load back it without that map DLC, it won't load. So if your friends want to play with you, the newer version and then go back to old version to play some mods, then I recommend making the exact copy of current profile with another name and then he can use one for latest version and other for older version for mods. If you want to know how to make copy of your prolife, you check out this youtube link. I hope I was able to answer your question. If you have any more doubts, feel free to tag me. Best regards, Aashraye
  10. So, now it won't ask for 2FA code every two day??.
  11. Hello, Is the great steppe supported on promods server or not??
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