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Veteran Driver VII
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About iFour

  • Birthday 08/21/1993

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  1. Use the rest mode! Sleeping will solve it
  2. Seems legit to me
  3. One does not simplify enough lights lol
  4. Haha nice video! What program did you use to record this? When I try to record I'm always experiencing a bit of lag. Due to a lower frame rate. Any tips?
  5. iFour

    Hour problem?

    The case that Fernando describes can be very likely
  6. Dat roll xD
  7. The side skirts are (at most trucks) only available when you have the 4x2 axle.
  8. iFour

    Login issue

    Consider to use da search option. Answers can be found at the 'Bug Reports' Section
  9. Lovely story
  10. Well, it's still alpha fase. Guess there are other priorities atm
  11. Yay
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