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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Almeida.'s post in Tiny UI when I play in 4K was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Save,
    To the best of my knowledge, I believe this cannot be increased due to your resolution. A tip if you want to have a larger UI would be to change your resolution to 1920x1080.
    I hope I have cleared your doubt.
    With Kind Regards,
  2. Almeida.'s post in Nova atualizaçao do TruckersMP apresentando Erro was marked as the answer   
    Olá @FBTC Xandi/MG,
    Esse problema é muito simples para se resolver, siga o passo a passo que irei deixar logo abaixo:
    Desabilite seu Antivírus. ( Windows Defender ) se for o caso ; Execute o Launcher como Administrador ; Deixe-me saber se esse método solucionou o seu problema.
    TruckersMP Suporte
  3. Almeida.'s post in Application Fatal Error Detected a malformed file was marked as the answer   
    Hello there,
    You have to verify the integrity of the files on Steam. I will leave an example for you.
    - Go to your Steam Library and right-click Euro Truck Simulator 2/ American Truck Simulator
    - Select ''Properties''
    - Go to the tab called ''Local Files'' and select ''Validate integrity of game cache''
    - This will take a few minutes, depending on the speed of your Laptop/PC
    Let us know if this helped.
    Kind regards,
    TruckersMP Trial Support
  4. Almeida.'s post in Truck Championship track was marked as the answer   
    Hi @China - xiao Xue er,
    The event track is only released in cases of ''Events'' as the name already informs.
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