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CDR - Lobo do Oriente

Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About CDR - Lobo do Oriente

  • Birthday 07/31/1996

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Fazer escolta em comboios e atuar da melhor forma possível, garantindo boa experiência aos demais jogadores
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Flagstaff
  • EU Garage Location
    Luxembourg: Luxembourg
  • Known languages
    `Portugues - Principal, Espanhol, Ingles Basico.

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  1. Beautiful photos, cool landscapes and very detailed locations
  2. The only detail is that you need to leave the None option selected in the Betas tab, because if you have None selected and it still doesn't open, you'll need to uninstall and reinstall it again.
  3. Hello [+381] - VojvodA, well your problem is very simple, just go to steam in euro truck right click on properties then you go to Betas and if you have temporary_1_48_5 - 1.48.5x for incompatible mods, you leave it in None because an update will be made, then just enter trucksmp and it will open normally
  4. Happy birthday friend, may you achieve all your goals and keep on achieving your ideas, happy holidays

  5. Have a good Sunday, everyone

  6. The new system requirement is nice, but those who use 4gb of ram will now have to use 8gb to get the most out of the game.
  7. Have a good weekend, everyone, and have fun!

  8. Hi XxQufDezxX, the use of save editing does not give a ban at first sight for a few factors: It is not allowed to cause extreme lag or game crashes through save editing. Extreme lag will not occur with duplicate parts, unless the quantity is really excessive. Use truck parts in cars or buses. If you save edit to create a very long trailer combination, but cannot handle it safely, you may be banned for reckless driving and/or blocking, and it is recommended to remove the specific modification(s). If the game moderation considers that your modification is not suitable for our servers or that it negatively affects other people, you will be subject to being banned. §3 - Save Editing
  9. Hi XxQufDezxX, everyone can change their avatar to another one without any problem, but bear in mind that some avatars are not accepted on the platform, I suggest you read rule §1 - Rules for the entire service, have a good afternoon.
  10. A ban is unlikely to come, at most a kick from the server and a warning, but to be honest, it wouldn't be good to use this vehicle in this way.
  11. Good Morning the Everyone

  12. Very cool this DLC, with its breathtaking landscapes and sights
  13. It is difficult to say that this idea one day can be analyzed and put into practice, because with the current system there are still players who even taking punishment circumvents the rules and makes new accounts and end up evading punishment to commit other more serious things, so this new system may not be accepted in this way.
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