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Status Updates posted by Fast-rider

  1. Carambaaaaa Congrats!!!! :HaulieLove:


  2. Hello weird person :kappa:

    Welcome to the forum where the cool people hand out 👀

  3. Michiiiiii Happy Birthday :HaulieLove:

  4. Why am I posting so much here again? I´m not used to it any more :kappa:

    After being annoyed of ProMods for such a long time because of some bugs, I came back to actually enjoying it again.... Oh, talking about bugs, enjoy the flying box :LUL:


    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Lovely Photo 🥰❤️ :HaulieLove: nice flying box  😂

  5. Pink Reno Magnum on Tour 



    1. RedNub


      Nice popo pink Truck<3


    2. Mister Truck

      Mister Truck

      Great Photo Fast-Rider. 😍

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Lovely Photo and Renault 🥰❤️:HaulieLove:

  6. Merry birthmas and congrats on levelling up :HaulieLove:

    1. jess.thetrain


      thanks slow-rider :HaulieLove:

  7. Happy birthday! :HaulieLove:



    1. MauriceLPs


      Screw you and thank you 🤣 🤣 🥰

  8. Merry birthmas, congrats on levelling up :HaulieLove:

    1. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Thank you, Not-Slow-Rider... for now

  9. Helo I am big fan :kappa::HaulieSus:

    1. FelixZ1X.


      Hello, I am also a big fan of you! :HaulieSus::HaulieLove:

    2. Davidsvr6-TMP


      Me too 👀

  10. Noooo 😭

    It was a pleasure serving with you on the pink side 🫡

    1. RagtagBoss


      Its been such a pleasure to work with you! Thank you for everything slow rider, you are amazing

    2. Fast-rider


      I am still FAST!!!!

  11. Quite some time ago the last time I posted something here :HaulieSus:


  12. Happy birthday! :HaulieLove:

    1. AkiraKurosawa


      Heyy fast fast... Thank you soo much  king!!!

  13. Happy birthday! 1038932361653518417.webp?size=44&quality


  14. Happy birthday Poly! :HaulieLove:

  15. Happy birthday :HaulieLove:

  16. Haven't posted here for a long time now, so here a pic with @Caramba2412 (left) and @Lamb Sauce III (right):HaulieLove:


  17. Happy birthday :HaulieLove:

    1. Juliia


      Thank you Nub Rider ! ❤️

  18. Ayooo, congrats Baby Supportmeen :HaulieLove:

  19. It's really sad to see such an awesome manager like you leave bud. Hopefully you will be able to rejoin anytime soon :HaulieLove:

    1. mdshahid6540


      Hey Fast, I have to tell you that I will never rejoin. TruckersMP is something that will remain as a memory in my mind. And sometimes we need to let things go.. Thanks for your post... But I will really remember you,mate.. ❤️❤️ Take care buddy...

  20. L

    1. Fast-rider


      Well, I guess I clicked wrong and can’t delete this lol  :LUL:

    2. TimeTimes


      Good job sir.
      I suppose you were... Too fast:kappa:

    3. L-DR@GO


      I told you to slow down..

      U didn't listen 🤪

  21. Happy birthday bud :HaulieLove:

  22. Happy birthday BBQ :HaulieLove:

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