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Veteran Driver III
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About Misha~

  • Birthday January 2

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  1. Congrats!  bro

  2. There seemed to be some problems on the first day. The RS sports steering wheel and high rear wing that were only available to members could actually be used by me xdd
  3. Hi @Will the Werewolf Although I don't know what is causing your problem, I think you can use the crafting feature of TruckersMP, you need to open the panel by pressing Tab first, click the button next to settings, then select your start point, end point, then choose your job or random, and a job will be generated! Good luck. Alyssa.
  4. Misha~


    Hi @MaksimT To set up a counter using HitWebCounter and insert it into a markdown file, follow these steps: 1. Visit HitWebCounter: Go to hitwebcounter. 2. Select Counter Style: Choose the desired counter style. 3. Set Starting Number: Enter the starting number for your counter. 4. Generate Code: Click "Get Counter Code" to generate the HTML code for your counter. 5. Extract Image UR: From the generated code, find the URL of the counter image. 6. Insert into Markdown: Use the markdown format `![Counter](URL_of_the_counter_image)`. Example: ![Counter](https://hitwebcounter.com/counter/counter_img.php?cid=123456) This will display the counter image in your markdown document. Kind Regards, Alyssa.
  5. The new lamp is finally out
  6. ALYA(アーリャ)very cute. 😃

    1. Misha~
    2. seireinosyukufuku


      Thank you for the follow

  7. Currently the add-on team has made a nice light and also made other accessories for the car.
  8. This is not a good suggestion.
  9. This is a good suggestion, but your image is no longer accessible.
  10. Thanks for the follow ❤️

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