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Veteran Driver III
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  • Birthday 04/18/1975

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  • Interests
    Aviation, Travelling around the world
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Czech Republic: Brno
  • Known languages
    Dutch, English, German, French

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  1. It doesnt work. TMP wont start because of wrong version, even after going to 1.51
  2. Hi, I cant steer while typing which results in many crashes. Is this normal? And are there short auto answers to use during driving? Like 1. is hello 2. Thank you etc etc
  3. Maybe it's an idea to have more events like the Switzerland one, 10 trips to/from a country/area. That way people see the other maps and maybe the traffic will change too. Imagine all the C-D traffic on the big mountain Alps routes
  4. Yes, I was afraid of that. Humans are weird I don't mind that there's no one else on the road, I can enjoy the music and scenery more.
  5. Hi guys! Together with the Switzerland rework I think the Balkan and Iberia DLCs are absolutely stunning and a joy to drive through those regions. But it surprises me completely why there is hardly anyone else on the roads in Balkan and Iberia even though the DLCs are cheap. Your thoughts?
  6. Happy Birthday Mate

  7. Happy Birthday 🎂

  8. Level 59 - Legend!!  

  9. Ok, this problem is solved. I delivered cargo to Olbia and it got 'discovered'. So its fine, I have completed my Steam tasks now to discover 30 French and 30 Italian cities.
  10. Thanks, I have no other mods in TMP. I did however teleport to garage in Olbia, that might have caused it, although I drove all around and through the city
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