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Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by Ollie.

  1. It may be rainy in the UK but it's always sunny in ETS2! Hope everyone is having a great week ?


    With @louabs behind the camera ?



  2. Congrats Ollie, Well deserved!

  3. Congrats on your new position! ?

  4. Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations!  ❤️

  6. Congrats! maann ?

  7. Congratulations ❤️?

  8. Congrats on getting Game Mod Trainee ?

  9. Congratulations and good Luck!

  10. Happy Saturday! I have a week off work so time to relax. Have a good weekend ?

  11. Happy Sunday! Have a photo of where @Callum455 showed me and @Tony [UK] this super long tunnel that goes across Iceland! Still waiting for the day when i can kiss goodbye to low graphics! ?


    But hey, at least i can play TMP ❤️




  12. Annnnd school is out! I'm hoping to earn money over the summer for a new PC. What will you all be doing over summer break? ?

  13. Been hauling some long logs across France ?? recently, I do love these HCT Trailers, only for experts ?


    Keep on trucking! ?

  14. Behind bars....


    I have news! I have managed to acquire a small job to earn some money which will go towards a new pc. Hopefully won't be too long until i can go above low graphics xD


    This photo was taken with another Prime Logistics driver in this very small yard. So small you can't get two trucks in!


    Have a great Friday y'all, nearly the weekend ?



  15. #throwbackthursday to my first ever drive in Iceland. @Callum455 introduced me to Iceland quite a while back now, since then i love driving over there! spacer.png

  16. #throwbackthursday to my first ever drive in Iceland. @Callum455 introduced me to Iceland quite a while back now, since then i love driving over there! spacer.png

  17. spacer.png

    1. Ollie.


      Looking good. We should meet up and get some pics 


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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