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Red Hot Pepper

Veteran Driver III
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Status Replies posted by Red Hot Pepper

  1. Thank you for the Follow!❤️

  2. Guest

    Guest    Red Hot Pepper

    Thanks for the follow

  3. Thanks for the follow

  4. Anyone done with their „The Big Pumpkin Pickup” yet? I can happily say, I am! 894203380350734337.webp?size=96&quality=lossless


    image.png?ex=65481570&is=6535a070&hm=6dd image.png?ex=65481570&is=6535a070&hm=b78


    I just finished my final delivery down to the Balkans with @Myriαnnα last night! (FunFact: She did too!) 


    Starting from Rostock, the Pumpkin Farm, we made our way down to Vlora, Albania, whilst having a lovely run around and over the Alps as well as Austria, taking lots of pictures during several sunsets and around the way! 📸




    I can certainly say that it's worth starting your game and checking out West Balkans, which is the newest addition to ETS2 and TruckersMP! 


    Stay safe and have fun exploring the new farm made by our lovely team as well as the new DLC by SCS!


    See you on the roads & Happy Halloween! 1036346614152974438.webp?size=96&quality=lossless

  5. Bruijn Logistics 3rd Anniversary Convoy



  6. Today I was on the road with @.Jonas07. from Spitsbergen southwards. | ProMods | TruckersMP

  7. Thanks for the follow:mlg_doge:

  8. Today I was on the road on simulation 1, once again in the Scania after a long time. | TruckersMP |

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