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Red Hot Pepper

Veteran Driver III
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Posts posted by Red Hot Pepper

  1. The driver exam is not a solution, those who want to troll can pass the exam by following the rules in the exam and then continue to troll in the game, I think that after receiving 6 bans, an ip ban should be made and the player should not be able to create an account again, and troll drivers can be prevented.

  2. I think you should go to the hotel, you can lie down and rest for a while, it's always dangerous to park on the roadside, you shouldn't risk it.;)

    • Like 1
  3. Hello,👋 

    Hundreds of reports are made to the report system every day, the game moderators are dealing with them, as well as the video uploads of the banned players, it takes time to respond to the objecting players, in fact, yes, we don't see them much in the game, but I know that they work very hard on the back side of the game and sometimes they can't even play the game at busy times.
    It is debatable whether the number of game moderators is insufficient, of course, if the number is more, maybe you can see them more 
    Also, I think everyone is their own game moderator, it is enough to record video and report it.

    • HaulieLove 1
  4. Thanks for the latest update...!
    English translation has not come to the chat system, people should be able to instantly translate what is written in the chat in the language of their choice. English is a global language and it would be very good for communication if everyone can use this language.🙏🪽

    • HaulieLove 1
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