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Veteran Driver III
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About IBERIA454

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Phoenix
  • EU Garage Location
    Belgium: Brussels
  • Known languages
    Spanish, Português, French, Catalan, English

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  1. La empresa Truck Monkey ESP sigue mostrando su mejor cara a la hora de hacer unas increibles fotos! Buen trabajo! Si quieres que tu foto sea publicada, contáctame al Discord y publicare tu foto! [Spanish] If you want your photo to be published, contact me at the Discord and I will publish your photo! [English]
  2. Good morning. @Ra1n Dr2p I will try to help you. To play with an authorized Mod in Multiplayer, first you must install the Mod by opening the game in Singleplayer, then go to Mod manager and install the authorized Mod, once you have installed the Mod, buy the trailer you want in Singleplayer mode, and save the game. Then you will be able to access the multiplayer without any problem and use the profile you installed the mod. If you get a message to stop the mod, accept it and continue. I hope this information was helpful. Kind Regards. @IBERIA454
  3. İyi geceler. @donderanil [Translation Turkish] Bugün size yardım etmeye çalışacağım. Oyunun içinde, yakınlarda olacak oyuncuların isimlerinin göründüğü ve aynı zamanda bir kullanıcıyla ilgili bir problemin ortaya çıktığı, farenin sağ tuşuyla ve isme basıldığı yerde "Tab" tuşu bulunan bir bölüm vardır. Oyuncuya, kendi takdirinize bağlı olarak rapor edebilirsiniz ve daha sonra bir yönetici, diğer kullanıcı tarafından bir ihlal olduğunu doğrulamak için katılacaktır. Ayrıca idareyi desteklemek ve yardım etmek için, bir rapor hazırlamak ve bunu TruckersMP topluluğuna bildirmek uygunsa, önceden bir kanıt bulundurmak, yani videoyu daha sonra inceleyebilmek ve kanıt olarak alabilmek için seyahatiniz sırasında kaydetmek her zaman daha iyidir. olası bir rapordan önce. Umarım yardım etmişimdir. Goodnight. [Translation English] I'm going to try to help you today. Inside the game it has a section, with the "Tab" key where the names of the players that will be nearby appear at the same time that a problem arises with a user, where with the right button of the mouse, and pressing on the name of the player, you can report it according to your criteria, and where later an administrator will attend to you to verify that there has been a violation by the other user. Also to favor and help the administration, if it is appropriate to make a report and report it in the TruckersMP community, it is always better to have a proof before hand, that is, record during your trip to be able to later review the video and have it as proof before a possible report. I hope I have helped. Kind Regards @IBERIA454
  4. Good afternoon. @Ryan E I will try to help you. First of all, if you want your personalized license plate on your vehicle, truck or car, please log in : https://worldoftrucks.com/ Once the session has started we will go to the option: Profile Customization. As shown in the image: Now that we are in the "Profile Customization" interface with the mouse we will go down until we reach the section : Euro Truck Custom License Plate. We will select the plate we want for our vehicle and put the letters and numbers we choose. Then we will save it, and once saved we will enter the Euro Truck Simulator 2, once inside, we will have to login with World Of Trucks. Once logged in, the account will be synchronized and you will be able to buy a vehicle and in your vehicle will be the license plate you have written in WoT, always check that you have previously logged in, otherwise your license plate will not be displayed. I hope I have helped you! Kind Regards @IBERIA454
  5. Godnat Jeg vil prøve at hjælpe dig! Fra det jeg ser på din skærm kan jeg se, at der er en fejl med følgende fil: promods-def-st-v251 (8) Slet denne fil og gå til den officielle side med promods, som jeg giver her: https://www.promods.net/ Når du er på ProMods-webstedet, skal du gå til Downloads og generere din tilsvarende DEF-fil i trin 1. Anbefalingen er at lade DEF-filen være som vist i posten. Når filen er genereret, skal du indsætte den i din Euro Truck Simulator 2-mappe Den genererede fil skal være som vist på billedet: Når du går ind i ProMods, skal du sørge for at gøre det i en ny profil, og inden du går ind, skal du starte mods i mods-manager, når du først er installeret i din profil, vil du kunne nyde ProMods. Jeg håber, det var nyttigt! Opmærksomt: @IBERIA454
  6. Buenas tardes @Secadero. Te voy a intentar ayudar en el día de hoy. Solución 1 : Tienes que hacer cambios en el ajuste de Steam -control del juego- desbloquea todas las demás opciones excepto la primera, entonces el steam detectará tus dispositivos. Solución 2 : Si el juego reconoce el botón pulsado, significa que el dispositivo funciona correctamente, ¿verdad? Comprueba la rueda con su software en caso de que haya cables sueltos o desenchufados. Solución 3 : También puedes actualizar los drivers del controlador con el siguiente enlance: https://support.thrustmaster.com/en/product/t300rs-en/ [Comprueba que en el juego salga así:] Solución 4 : Si sólo el acelerador usa el botón de modo en la base. ¡cree que has invertido los pedales con él! si nada cambia... busca en c:/usuario/nombre de usuario/.../simulador de camión europeo 2/ y borra o renombra el controls.sii y el config.cfg y pon los controles nuevos! Aparecerá la pantalla de inicio 2. Te preguntará algo con el eje de la rueda y los pedales. Atentamente: @IBERIA454
  7. Hi @ClaudyuTM Try this: Solution 1: I would like to know if you are using 2 directories from which you are running you ETS ? If yes, i will write down below what the issue could be. ( This is an example ) I am using 2 separate directories to run ETS, one is located in "C:" drive and i use it for Singleplayer, the other one is located in "C:" and it is for Multiplayer. So, the thing you should try ( if you are using 2 directories ) is to go to the one from where you run Singleplayer ( as you said, you see your profile in SP but no in MP ) and go to "profiles" and copy your profile from there ( profile is like a folder and it is named something like "4214213" and paste it in the other launching directory ( which is meant for Multiplayer ) as well in "profiles" , and after that enter again in MP and see if your profile is there. Solution 2: Go to Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2 and from there you should be able to see a folder named "profiles(" ( depends on what version of the game you were last time playing on your profile ) and enter that folder "profiles(" and you will see folder ( your profile ) named something like "4214213" ( this is just an example ). This .bak folder is backup folder for your profile if you accidently delete it or lost it somethow, so you are able to recover it. All you need to do from "profiles(" folder is to copy that folder ( your profile ) named for example "4214213" and paste it in "profiles" folder which is located in Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2 as well,and enter the game again. You should be able to see your profile again. If this doesn't help you come back here and we will give you other solution ! Best regards, @IBERIA454 - [HPCYS]
  8. Good afternoon, I present my photo!
  9. La empresa Truck Monkey esta entusiasmada con sus empleados, y cada uno de ellos son todo unos fotógrafos, a continuación mostramos mas fotografías hechas por sus empleados! [Spanish]

    A empresa Truck Monkey está muito entusiasmada com os seus empregados, e cada um deles é um fotógrafo. Aqui estão mais algumas fotografias tiradas pelos seus empregados! [Português]

    The company Truck Monkey is very excited about its employees, and each one of them is a photographer. Here are some more pictures taken by its employees! [English]










  10. Aquí una de las primeras entregas de fotografías hechas por la empresa Truck Monkey ESP. Gracias por vuestras fotos!
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