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Veteran Driver II
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  1. So you want to tell me that there is no way I can do this thing? It is not necessary for the whole world to see this server, but only for people who are accepted in the Bulgarian company! Will there be no way to invent something?
  2. TheGamingTV


    Hello, I have been playing in ETS 2 for a long time and there are many people in my country who love the game. And today I was playing with a friend and we came up with the idea to ask you if we could somehow launch a server for people from my country. I'm from Bulgaria and here most people don't play online because they don't care about people from other countries. If there is such a server, a lot of players will come + that we will create something new. We will make a big company. Overall, we at H2 Team have come up with a very cool idea. And I want to know if there is any possibility of that happening?
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