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Veteran Driver III
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  1. XeoNN's post in 3 Lü Dorse was marked as the answer   
    Öncelikle forum'a hoşgeldiniz.
    Calais-Duisburg arasında çift dorse ve 3 lü dorse sürmek yasak değildir, ancak bu dorseyi kontrol edemediğiniz sürece ve birisini engelleyecek şekilde davranmanız durumunda Game Moderator tarafından yasaklanmanıza sebep olabilir.
    Umarım aradığınız cevabı alabilirsiniz.
    [GökBörü] XeoNN
  2. XeoNN's post in Launcher Error was marked as the answer   
    Hello there.
    First of all, I'm sorry you're having trouble. 
    Now I will give you the answers that I can help you with;
    - Steam > Library > ETS 2 (right click) > Properties > Local files > Verify game files
    - You can delete and reinstall TruckersMP Launcher.
    - If you have deleted and installed the launcher and you still get the same error, try deleting all the files on which the launcher is installed and reinstalling it.
    I hope I was able to help you.
    Kind Regards, 
    [GökBörü] XeoNN
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