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Veteran Driver III
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About DoruqTV

  • Birthday January 30

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    Amateur Tennis Player
    Veteran Driver
    Visiting foreign countries by my own car

    Active TruckersMP Player&Supporter
    Dreaming to be a staff member :)
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Turkey: Tekirdağ
  • Known languages
    Turkish, English, a bit German

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  1. Tekirdağ. Oyunda bir işte gittiğin maksimum kaç kilometre gittin?
  2. Good Morning!spacer.png

    1. Chema02


      good morning nice photo! ^^


    2. PinkNub_


      Good Morning o/ Doruq 

  3. Merhaba @Dr_AFUFD! Öncelikle, TruckersMP Forum’una hoş geldiniz! Görünüşe göre ekran kartınız, ETS2’nin günümüz grafiklerine karşı yetersiz kalmış. Ekran kartı konusu hakkında görüşler kişiden kişiye değişebiliyor, kimi Nvidia derken kimi AMD’nin daha iyi olduğunu savunuyor. Benim size tavsiyem RTX 40 serisi, en az i7 işlemci ve minimum 16 GB RAM’li bir sistem bulmanız. Eğer başka bir sorunuz varsa sormaktan çekinmeyin!
  4. These photos are amazing!
  5. Hello Drivers! This guide will show you how to create your own streamer license plate! Here is an example; Click Me For Example! First of all, check that your profile is not linked to your World of Trucks account. If your World of Trucks account is connected to your profile, disconnect it from the options. Now let's get back to game. Create a quicksave wth your defined key. Now head to File Explorer and enter the profile you saved from My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles. Then put the "save" file in the Save/quick save into the "Sll" program. Then open the "save" file. Find your truck/car by searching its license plate. Now head to the line that says "license_plate" and delete all the code in quotes. Then paste this code: <font xscale=1.1 yscale=0.8>DORUQTV</font><offset hshift=-115 vshift=+22><font xscale=0.8 yscale=0.6>ON <color value=FF6600ff>YOU<color value=FF000000>TUBE|switzerland Red: Write your name here. Yellow: These values should only be changed if your text/name does not fit in the plate. Green: You can change the platform name and its color. Now head back to game and load your save. Boom! Here is your plate Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask!
  6. Hey there @sınoplu 57! Every computer has its own best performance settings. But I will recommend a few settings for an average gaming computer: ETS2 GRAPHICS SETTINGS Resolution: Try lowering it if FPS is low. Scaling: Keep it at 200%, but lower if necessary. MLAA, HDR, Depth of Field, Sunshafts: Turn these off. Reflection Quality & Mirror Quality: Set both to low. (If needed) Texture Quality: Medium or low. Anisotropic Filtering: Keep it low. Shadow Quality: Set to low. TRUCKERSMP SETTINGS Draw Distance: Lower it to reduce FPS drops. Additional Lights/Beacons: Consider reducing or disabling these. Season Effects (if enabled): Disable for better performance. OTHER SETTINGS Drivers: Check for driver updates. This may increase your FPS. If you have any other questions in your mind, feel free to ask!
  7. Hey there @FayezTMP, Thank you for your reply. I had previously searched for this setting in the settings but could not find it. Apparently I did not look carefully. Thanks for pointing it out!
  8. Suggestion Name: A option to remove mouse from the chat Suggestion Description: Drivers (especially those using mouse steering) used to be able to write to people via chat while driving. However, now when we open the chat, a mouse also appears, which makes it difficult for drivers playing as a mouse steering wheel to type while driving, which can lead to accidents and bans. My main idea is to add a option to remove the mouse on chat from TAB->Settings. Why should it be added?:This only affects drivers who use mouse steering (or so I think). Drivers who play with a steering wheel can easily write while driving, but drivers who play with a mouse steering wheel setup and are used to it can no longer write messages comfortably. For instance, in the old chat system, we used to continue driving by using the mouse while writing something, but now it is very risky to drive and write messages because the mouse appears while the chat is open.
  9. Merhaba, Eğer ki kendi bilgisayarınızda ve çevredeki oyuncuların bilgisayarlarında fps düşmesi olmuyorsa bir sorun çıkmaz. Best Regards, DoruqTV
  10. Merhaba, Yeni bir hesaptan başlamış olsanız bile, eski hesabınız banlı ise, çift hesap kullanıyor iseniz ve bu iki hesap arasında bir bağlantı tespit edilirse "§1.2 - Yasaktan Kaçma - " kuralına aykırı hareket ettiğinize karar verilir ve oyuna 2 hesaptan da bir süre (muhtemelen ban süresi) bağlanamıyabilirsiniz. Best Regards, DoruqTV
  11. Merhaba, Evet, gerekli cevapları aldım. Konuyu kapatabilirsiniz.
  12. Merhaba, Promods’ta yarış pistleri olduğunu duydum ve deneyeceğim. Burada diğer oyuncularla yarışabilir miyim, veya kaza olursa raporlanır mıyım?
  13. Merhaba, Sorununuzun çözümü için bu forum gönderisine bakabilirsiniz, https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/292 Best Regards, DoruqTV
  14. Merhaba, Bir üst sürümde kullandığınız profiller daha alt sürümlere çekildiği zaman çalışmaz. Bunun yerine yeni bir profil kurmayı/indirmeyi deneyin. Best Regards, DoruqTV
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