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Veteran Driver X
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Burner last won the day on March 10 2018

Burner had the most liked content!

About Burner

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Slovakia: Bratislava

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Rookie (2/13)

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Community Answers

  1. Hey Burner I need to ask u something can u pm me please 

  2. Hi Burner, i will miss you. But Maybe we meet us Online on the Road. I Found a old Screenshot of a Great Evening, That was my First Contact with a Game Moderator.


    Kind Regards




  3. Prečo ? Nemáme SK/CZ nijakého admina :( 

    Bol si dobrá osoba :D ďakujem za pomoc,ktorú som pred tím potreboval a poradil si mi . Ďakujem


    GL v osobnom živote :) 

  4. No more burger in the team :o

    Wish you good luck, and thanks for all your work in past few years.

  5. Thanks for your huge contribution to the community.



  6. No... Don't leave :( Night fury sad

    P.S: Good luck in the future mate


  7. Big Thanks for everything you've done for :tmp: We will miss you :( Best of luck for the future and whatever you do next :)

  8. Thank you for everything :( 


  9. Thank you for everything :(

  10. I will miss you mate, take care and keep in touch :) :wub:

  11. Thank you for everything that you have done for TruckersMP! We will miss you :wub:

  12. sorry to hear you have left the team, i hope everything goes well for you in the future buddy :)

  13. Thank you for everything that you've done for us,good luck in future :) <3

  14. Back in the old days of TruckersMP in 2015, you did an excellent job managing the Forum Moderator team as a Moderation Team Leader, and then you moved on to do phenomenally well during your two-and-a-half years as a Community Manager, while balancing your CM, FMTL and in-game admin duties equally until @FirestarteR93 took over the FMTL part in May 2017. Over that time, most Forum Moderators that you have taken on have now moved on to being Game Moderators and some have even become Community Managers of their own accord.


    Then you took over the role of Translation Leader when @BAKERPK [PL] [ENG] stepped down from the team, and over your brief two month stint there, you have taken on some very good members of the Translation Team and they have worked together with you in order to bring on efficient Feedback response times for users writing feedback tickets in foreign languages. 


    You were also a highly influential person within the (small) Slovakian community as most members in that community supported your efforts within TruckersMP to make it compatible with multiple nationalities and cultures, and the Slovakian community turned to you when they didn't know what to do. 


    You have impressed everybody throughout your time and you have become a model person for the future of ETS2MP when it was still in its early roots, and I would like to say thank you for all your hard work that you have bought home over your three years as a staff member. You should be really proud of yourself to have come this far.


    We wish you the very best in your future ventures, Burner.  

    1. ShawnCZek


      Very well written. :o

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