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Veteran Driver IV
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About Forever(永恒)

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    Finland: Tampere
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  1. Due to some work reasons, I only participated in the donation event. Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate in the upcoming transportation activities with everyone. Although I cannot attend this event, I am still very happy. I wish this event a complete success. Thank you Wishing everyone a happy Christmas
  2. I am delighted to participate in this event. It is a delightful experience and I am very grateful to the official organizers for hosting this Yang event

  3. 早上好,今天是个好日子

  4. I wish all TMP staff and truck drivers a happy New Year in 2024. May TMP do better in the new year.🎉

    1. L-DR@GO


      Wish you the same Bro 👍

  5. Happy birthday🎂

    1. ZaroMW


      Thank you so much for your birthday wishes and follow @Abide、骑士 ❤️ 

  6. I wish the event a complete success
  7. Merry Christmas! It's my first time to participate in such activities. Although I don't have much donations and my personal ability is limited, I thank the official activities. I hope a little help can help them. Thank you.
  8. Dear administrator, Hillcones mine road for a long time there are riders deliberately caused traffic jams, I hope administrators can strictly manage, sometimes the goods to go up where to block for a long time, causing a lot of trouble for other players, traffic jams for a long time, sometimes not intentional traffic jams can be understood, if it is intentional traffic jams will make players very distressed. thank you
  9. After a long absence, I have returned to the TMP membership and miss you all very much

  10. 上午好。美好的一天。

    1. M1sty _

      M1sty _

      上午好!我的朋友 祝你天天开心!

  11. 上午好啊,又是好久没有来了

  12. TMP活动还有多久开始

  13. 公众人员是否可以参加,谢谢:tmp:

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