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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. KernelBase.dll is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file stored in the system folder of Windows operating system copy and paste this command in CMD and hit Enter: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth Then copy and paste this command: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and hit Enter when it's completed use the sfc /scannow and press Enter. if that fail's you can use one of these Microsoft approved DLL's here, Just make sure you have the correct version for your OS, i.e Architecture x64. https://www.dll-files.com/kernelbase.dll.html, Without doing a windows reinstall or a game re install, the CMD commands or the DLL is the only options.
  2. Yes it's been answered buddy, And no save edit's here, it's a legit skin from ETS2 Goodyear Pack.
  3. Afternoon all, I've tried searching for this and have come across multiple conflicting information. So I buy a lot of DLC content from Steam for Euro Truck Simulator 2, I love the game and love to support what they do. I have come across and old game save of mine that downloaded when steam cloud synced, So in this game save I have the Goodyear Tires Pack which has the Goodyear Truck Skin. I have already tried this in MP and because it's a Legit DLC from SCS that's in the game it showed the skin in TruckersMP, It shows up perfectly fine, don't interfere with any other players as it's Legit In Game DLC content, no mod. The picture below is NOT in Truckers-MP but in ETS Single Player. https://imgur.com/a/ets2-kiC4Atb My question is, will I get kicked for using it? I've seen others with actual in game content driving around not effecting players. Just want to make sure I don't grab my truck and get kicked. Thanks.
  4. I've already tried that, Steam is showing 14 DLC and TruckersMP is only showing 13, Even know I have checked it over and over, Sorry if it's classed as a double post, Just wanted to reply back to both of you. EDIT: Do I have to own Iberia to play on the simulation servers also? I've uninstalled and reinstalled my game, verified everything and still getting the DLC error.. 2nd EDIT: I believe I have fixed the problem, I've just created a brand new profile save and thing's seem to work on Simulation Servers, You may close this thread now boy's, Thanks for your time in reading and replying back. Reguards.
  5. Then there is something wrong as on my DLC list on Steam and my Purchase history shows 14 DLC for ETS, All bought in April 2020, As for Iberia, I'll have to buy that to access the Promods server then, So what's with the normal simulation server then? i'm getting the same issues... even without promods?
  6. Hey Guy's, So my problem is, I have 25 DLC all checked by TruckersMP, Yet I cannot enter the normal simulation server, or the pro mods server it keeps telling me connection refused due to DLC. Now surely because I have 25 DLC's across ETS2 and ATS i shouldn't be getting this error, Even when i play the normal map without ProMods I'm still getting the same error, Connection refused due to DLC, How is this possible when I'm trying to enter a server that does not require "promods", ? Is this an error or how can I fix this? I played last year and all was fine, Played Pro mods just fine, Played the other server's just fine, And I'm not using a downloaded profile, I'm using my own Profile. Reguards KryptoArrow
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