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Veteran Driver III
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About Jordi_Walker97

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  1. Hey there! Having looked at the Event Server Request calendar it looks like this will be June 12th. However TruckersMP will release details of the event around a week before it is due to happen. Hope this helps!
  2. Hello there! I am happy to say that I can help you with this issue! The first thing to try would be starting TruckersMP as an Administrator. To do this complete the following: 1) Right-click on TruckersMP 2) Click "Start as Administrator" If that does not work you can always try the following: Step 1: - Go to Steam library - Right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Properties - Local Files - Verify in-game files Step 2: - Go to ETS 2 / ATS - Click "Play" - Choose "Launch with DirectX (64-bit)'' - Start ETS 2/ATS - Go in game and drive for a bit in single-player - Save and close ETS 2/ATS If none of the above works, please try the following: Step 3: (Try to re-install the Launcher) - The press WIn + R and type in ''%programdata%" - Find the folder TruckersMP and delete it - Delete you /Documents/ETS2MP - Then go to control Panel and uninstall TruckersMP Step 4: - Then re-install the launcher as administrator ---> truckersmp.com/download - Launch TMP as administrator. Let me know if this works. Kind regards, Jordididn'tsaurus.
  3. Drive With The Kings later this evening!


    1. centurion.


      We will be there! ❤️ 

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