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¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

Retired Team Member
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Status Updates posted by ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

  1. Hi!  Nothing about trucking, but I need your point of view! How do you find that?


    1. Caernage


      Modern, it looks like a smooth repaint and in coherence with the France's colors flag

    2. ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]
    3. ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]
  2. You need to take a look of that :




    It's pretty finish! What do you think guys?

  3. Hello TruckersMP, particularly the Staff.


    I’ve today leave the TruckersMP team, the reason is simple : I wasn’t sure to assure the work in the future months, due to my final exams. So due to my future lack of time, I wouldn’t be a brake for the Media Team.


    I will thanks all the Staff, particularly @Sgt_Tailor who was my manager during the previous 8 months, and LaxZ, the actual one.

     Thanks @David Edson too, it was really nice to work with you on some projects.

    And thanks @Digital for all the events that you organized, and the related assets that we have created by that possibilities.



    Thanks for everything TruckersMP.

  4. f'tomy joyeux anniversaire ! :)subse

    1. Domi7237


      SOLUT TU merci f'tomy fait chauffer la 308 hopla WGCC SUBSE !

  5. unknown.png

    Work in progress :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      Hey thanks for all the comments !

      Look at the new version B)



    3. [FR] Menthy

      [FR] Menthy

      Udpload ! Please !

    4. ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      Will do soon :) Hope when i've time!

  6. Brand new FlightSim Engine! Emoji_Icon_-_Sunglasses_cool_emoji_large



  7. Helloooooooo ismail


    I wish you an awesome birthday bro :P

    1. User_9806


      Hello @chatyo :D 


      And thank you so very much my brother :wub:

  8. I've updated my about me ;)

    Hope you know more things about me now :D

    1. ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      Oops I’ve forgot that 

  9. Cool or no ?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]
    3. JuniorArda


      Looks Nice man, Rain effect is so good. (I don't know Rain effect's special name)

  10. Enjoy your trip my prefered policeman :D

  11. Nice role, you deserve it with all the community save editing etc tutorial ;)

  12. Heya Burner, thanks for your investissement on the TMP team. Have the best on your personnal life, and see you soon on the road ! ;)



  13. Salut mon volvo préféré


    Bon j'ai cherché pendant des heures et j'ai enfin trouvé ton volvo noir sur les 4 roues, c'était pas facile mais je voulais pas déjà te mettre des bâtons dans les roues a ton début du (t)GM




    Bon, tout ça pour te dire gg :kappa:


    PS : Arrête de me foncer dessus, je t'ai vu avec ton machin rose la

    1. VägAssLasse


      Merci :troll:


      Et mon Scania rose est SPLENDIDE :wub:

  14. Old TMP Member ! I remember you when Pieter was an IGA, in my memories you was Forum Mod at this time !


    See u soon on the road, and thanks for good service on TMP ;)

    1. MaxOMax


      thanks chatyo, and yeas i was forum mod, and then got promoted to IGA by I<3 Vodka

  15. News pic on my gallery !

    Visit !


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