¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]'s Achievements
Hi! Nothing about trucking, but I need your point of view! How do you find that?
You need to take a look of that :
It's pretty finish! What do you think guys?
Look after yourself and wish you could go back to the team.
Hello TruckersMP, particularly the Staff.
I’ve today leave the TruckersMP team, the reason is simple : I wasn’t sure to assure the work in the future months, due to my final exams. So due to my future lack of time, I wouldn’t be a brake for the Media Team.
I will thanks all the Staff, particularly @Sgt_Tailor who was my manager during the previous 8 months, and LaxZ, the actual one.
Thanks @David Edson too, it was really nice to work with you on some projects.
And thanks @Digital for all the events that you organized, and the related assets that we have created by that possibilities.
Thanks for everything TruckersMP.
worldTruckersMP o/ -
f'tomy joyeux anniversaire ! subse
Work in progress