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Chileno Trucker

Veteran Driver VII
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  1. Chileno Trucker's post in Banned was marked as the answer   
    almost 30mins to the end of your ban
  2. Chileno Trucker's post in The spectator thing was marked as the answer   
    After a quick search on google i found this on SCS software forums :
    1. Locate your Euro Truck Simulator 2 home directory and config file

    The home directory is where all your settings, profiles, mods, save files and in game screenshots are stored.
    You can find it in your "My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2" folder.
    Fig 1. Your ETS 2 home directory with the config file to edit for developer console.

    2. Open the config file with Notepad

    Right click the file, select "Open with" and pick "Notepad". (If "Notepad" doesn't show up in the list then click on "Choose default program..." and find Notepad in there. (Post in thread if this is unclear to you)

    Fig 2. Open the config file with Notepad.

    3. Change two lines to enable developer console in game

    The two lines you need to change are:
    Code: uset g_developer "0"    → Change the "0" to a "1"
    uset g_console "0"      → Change the "0" to a "1"   ----- (You wont really need to turn console mode to use the camera btw.)

    Fig 3. Edit the config file.

    4. Save the file

    In Notepad, click on "File" → "Save".

    Fig 4. Save the file.

    then in-game you need to press the 0 key in your keyboard to change to that camera and you can move it with the numbers in the right side of your keyboard
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