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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About KimbaPlays

  • Birthday March 21

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lisbon, Portugal
  • Interests
    Simulation Games and MMORPGs.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Portugal: Lisbon
  • Known languages
    Portuguese; English

TruckersMP Information

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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3578 profile views

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Rookie (2/13)

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Happy Birthday!  😉

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday Doggo!

    May many more years of prosperity and good fortune come to you!

  5. @AkiraKurosawa


    Thanks for the follow!

  6. Welcome to TruckersMP!

    I give you the warmest welcome you can imagine, and I hope you have alot of fun here at TruckersMP!

    Good luck Trucker!

  7. Welcome to TruckersMP!


    I give you the warmest welcome you can imagine, and I hope you have alot of fun here at TruckersMP!


    Good luck Trucker!


  8. This convoy is only for those who are either Patreons, Nitro Boosters of the TruckersMP Discord Server or Twitch Subscribers of TruckersMP Twitch Channel.
  9. Não escreveu o comando enquanto podia? Então, se quer encontrar o ID da pessoa que perturbou a sua experiência, siga este guia! 1. Vá à pasta "Documentos", e encontre a pasta "ETS2MP". 2. Depois de aberta, encontre a pasta "Logs". 3. Encontre o ficheiro "Log_spawning_<dd.mm.yy>". Após encontrar, abra o ficheiro. NOTA: Deve sempre certificar-se que abre o ficheiro que foi criado no dia em que ocorreu o incidente. | dd - Dia | mm - Mês | yy - Ano | 4. Após abrir o ficheiro, pressione as teclas Ctrl + F. Irá aparecer uma janela onde pode procurar no ficheiro inteiro palavras-chave. 5. Basta agora procurar por palavras, ou números, pertencentes ao suspeito. Isto inclui o ID da sessão, o nickname do suspeito, a tag do suspeito. Após encontrar o suspeito, o ID do TruckersMP do suspeito estará visivel como "TMPID: XXXXXXX". 6. Por fim, agora com o ID do TruckersMP do suspeito, para criar uma ocorrência (se assim o entender), basta dirigir-se à página https://truckersmp.com/reports. Espero que este guia tenha valido uma ajuda. Obrigado Tradução feita por KimbaPlays. Post original feito por TeamAudi_Chemistry_EM. Link do post original:
      • 2
      • Awesome!
  10. Suggestion Name: Add Haulie emotes to the Forum! Suggestion Description: Title says it all. Add TruckersMP's mascot emotes into the forum too. Any example images: Why should it be added?: I believe Haulie should be present in any place the name 'TruckersMP' is. Haulie is already present on discord, but I believe it could also be added to the Forums and add a bit more diversity to the usage of emojis. Truckers identify with Haulie and I think it could turn the forum into a funnier and a more friendly community hangout, with silly emotes like the ones used in the images.
  11. Many congratulations to these 3 truckers who created these 3 clips, and provided the community some "entertainment" ? @Zombie. @Lelouch__ & @AlphaB3T
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