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Veteran Driver VII
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About KIAL

  • Birthday 02/24/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cilacap, Center Java, Indonesia
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Kiel

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  1. yap it's fixed @oolala11
  2. Hello @Gonzalox, thanks for your information but, since @DesertEagle26 told me that VPN might be work, well that's work
  3. Hello anyone i need help with this launcher i've done re-install it but it won't work well, any help will be very helpful to me
  4. Yes I'am Sure it is on same channel.. I am not sure.. Where must i find it? or maybe it is on tab setting and mod and CB? Yes i already known about binding key, and i have'nt any icon appear I am already adjusted to maximum volume Thanks for the answer... But this setting is already perfect i think, i've tried on GTA Online, CSGO, or some game uses voice chat.. But let me re-Check maybe something fail..
  5. Mod Version: [Latest]Controllers Used: Logitech F710 Gamepad For Drive, Keyboard, MouseDescription of Issue: I Cant Hear anyone Using CB Radio, Also I Can't Use it for voiceHow to reproduce: Just play as usual, but if you're in game multiplayer, you can't hear anyone using CB or u can't use itScreenshots / Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_q4KyNGCI0&feature=youtu.be
  6. I think I'am the best driver ever

  7. mas ini berlaku buat SP/MP ato SP doang? *pertanyaan nubi* :v keep mangap kalo mau :3
  8. Software pendukung ETS2MP?? ya ETS2 donk.. kalok gakada itu gemana kita bisa maen
  9. Haiiii Perkenalkan saya adalah Nama : Muhammad Dzaki Alfandi ID Steam : INET - Alfan atau [sHVTC] Alfan Komunitas : Komunitas Kaskus ETS2 Indonesia, INET Domisili : Cilacap, Jawa Tengah Indonesia Perwakilan petinggi (entah keberapa) dari Komunitas kaskus ets2 indonesia dengan jabatan Pengatur Konvoy rutin Dengan ini saya mewakili dari pihak kaskus, dan akan memborong mereka yang pemain mp untuk kemari
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