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Veteran Driver IV
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Posts posted by R1ch1e

  1. Hey there everyone!

    I will be hosting a PDSA event for my first charity event!

    What is PDSA? its a charity founded in the united kingdom which helps raise money towards veterinary's and animals

    The event will be happening on the 6th march 2021 

    The meetup will begin at: 12:00UTC 

    We will be departing at: 13:00UTC

    If we do not recieve an event server we will be on simulation 2 

    Route 1: 13:00UTC - 15:00 UTC (Calais to Genoa)
    10 minute break

    Route 2: 15:10 - 17:00 (Genoa to Bari)

    10 minute break
    Route 3: 17:10 - 19:00 (Bari - Porto Vecchio)

    In order to attend you will need the ITALIA AND VIVE LE FRANCE DLC


    If you or vtc would like to join I recommend you join our PDSA discord for updates regarding the events https://discord.gg/eExZZWqX

    If your vtc are considering joining this event we would appreciate if you booked a slot, you may book them here: https://forms.gle/GyPjt8o4y25MeAKUA

    in order for us to acquire an event server we will need to get 100 sign-ups, we encourage as many people to do this as possible, you can do this here https://ets2c.com/view/88248/r1ch1e-calais-sea-port

    Also if you would consider donating to the PDSA charity you can do so here https://www.gofundme.com/f/raise-money-for-pdsa

    Thank you for reading this and hopefully you will be attending this event which is for an amazing cause!




    Attending VTC's:

    Global Cargo

    V&N Transporten

    Axiel Haulage

    Transporte Jet Blue

    BVAR Trucking

    Pries Logistics

    Prime Logistics

    Logistico Salto

    Phoenix VTC

    Viva Trucking

    B&C Transport

    Spark Logistics

    Snail Transport

    Forza Trucking

    Crtz VTC


    Transinet VTC

    Team Audi VTC

    Truckers Phillipenes




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