1) My PC is connected to internet via a cable.
2) Nothing else than Steam is open. Steam does not download, I have it open, since game would otherwise not open in MP, what is to my knowledge a known problem.
3) I don´t think, that one or two people browsing websites (no videos nor downloading files) would make it that bad.
4) I was at EU Sim1 with less than 3000 people. I had no problem like this earlier with full EU Sim1 server.
5) I started in Prague, headed tovards Linz for a job, and then went straight to Calais. That video is with same problem, but older.
6) This does not seem like a ISP problem, since others in the same area and time have also complained about disconnecting. Ping shouldn´t be high, since when I talked about this last year with support in a ticket, we concluded, that from my city to server it is quite close, and I even tried to ping there, no problems.
7) I can´t use VPN.
I don´t think so. First reply talks about kicks from server, but that would give me a "you got kicked" message, but this message is "connection broken", "in queue",... I once tried to accidentaly join in full Calais, and i did not manage to do it in time, so it kicked me and I had to restart the game. If this was kick, then I would have to restart game too. I did not have to do so now, the game eventually logged me back in a few minutes. Also it does not seem like a short internet outage, I had that once, and message was "connection lost" and I was offline until I restarted game, when internet went back on. And this is sometime accompanied by froze of all players.
I think, that something is broken elsewhere, probably at TMP side, since I am not the only one, who was being disconnected. As I mentioned before, after those disconnections, people have talked in chat like: "finally"; "what is with servers?"; " I think, that it is broken"; "why it keeps disconnecting me?"
Are all EU servers in one physical location? If so, then I think, that it would not solve problem with connectivity, if the core of it is on TMP side. I think, that TMP line to Internet does not manage to handle a lot of data to be transferred multiple times. If thare is a lot of players on load range of each other, then TMP have to send data about every player to everyone of them, probably causing disconnection of somebody to handle it.