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Veteran Driver IX
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Yodith's post in TAB Menu stops responding periodically. was marked as the answer   
    Please make sure you haven't hit F11 or F9 by accident as these can make name and the TAB disappear.
  2. Yodith's post in It wants me to download again! was marked as the answer   
    When installing, it will give you an option to select where your game is installed. The default path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\

  3. Yodith's post in Plz Help Me game won't enter was marked as the answer   
    It appears you may have a 32bit system.
  4. Yodith's post in How can i use the police car in Etsmp2 was marked as the answer   
    Only In Game Admins can be Police cars. I wouldn't recommend you try and stop players who are travelling fast or are breaking the rules. Use the in game reporting system or record your game play.
  5. Yodith's post in Can't use a car was marked as the answer   
    You cannot use any police accessories or the police paint job. This is reserved for in game admins only.
  6. Yodith's post in Getting Kicked with Scout Car on ETS? was marked as the answer   
    Please make sure you have no police paint or accessories on your car. Also cars are only allowed on EU2 server only.
  7. Yodith's post in Kicked when AFK, how to get online again in game? was marked as the answer   
    This is the only way to get back into the game. In future, you can just type a space in chat to stop you being kicked.
  8. Yodith's post in how do i get arizona update to work for multiplayer? was marked as the answer   
    The Arizona update is only open beta at the moment. MP will be released when the official update comes out.
  9. Yodith's post in Police? was marked as the answer   
    Only In game admins can be police officers.
  10. Yodith's post in Kicked from Europe 1 was marked as the answer   
    You cannot use the car in EU1, only admins can. EU2 is where you can drive the Scout car and you cannot use the police paint or any other police accessories.
  11. Yodith's post in Key Mapping and Team Tag Questions was marked as the answer   
    1). You can tell if voice chat is working is by looking at your CB radio as you speak. There should be a red light as you hold down the "V" key. You may have to turn up your Mic volume in the sound settings, which you can access by hitting the tab key and clicking on sounds tab.
    2.) Unfortunately there is no way at present to rebind the voice key.
    3.) There is no clan tag as such on ETS2MP. There is a tag you can add next to your name in the game, by pressing the tab key and on the general tab, enter your message in the player tag box.
  12. Yodith's post in ATS multiplayer chat was marked as the answer   
    Press Y in game to open chat window. Press enter to remove window once open if you just wanted to read chat.
  13. Yodith's post in Report Option Not Working was marked as the answer   
    It actually means another player has reported the person and is not a bug. If you can, I would recommend recording your game play and submitting a report on the website as admins aren't always online.
  14. Yodith's post in Volvo 750HP Black grill. was marked as the answer   
    I believe this is the one.  http://ets2.lt/en/volvo-fh-2012-black-grill-in-multiplayer/
  15. Yodith's post in Chat button? was marked as the answer   
    Press Y to chat in game.
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