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Veteran Driver IV
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About david12567

  • Birthday May 8

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  • EU Garage Location
    France: Le Havre
  • Known languages
    French | English

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  1. The addition of ATS makes it fun to have more and more features - I love it!
  2. Very good application for those who want to play a maximum RolePlay
  3. Congrats mate 

  4. Oui, il est fort probable que ça vient de ça Oui , je pense qu'il sera valable
  5. Thank you for the follow

  6. Thanks for this news especially for the fuel to return to normal PS : There will be space for suggestions either on the app or on a discord
  7. Il a pas de date on est tous comme toi il faut juste être patient elle sortira quand les devs auront fini de la faire.
  8. I see that ETS2 but I do not see my ATS profiles is what it is planned in future update?
  9. After having tested your application I say: Congratulations I hope there are new things to come? I recommend it for those who have trouble with some save edit
  10. Hey David ! 😃
    Thank you for your follow. ❤️ 

  11. Thanks for the Follow! :HaulieLove:

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