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About Eagle42

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  1. Hey! I've just signed in using the chosen credentials for my WOT account ( I have no clue about how it worked, because while I was registering it gave me errors, but now it seems to be fine, my account was successfully created ). I didn't even know that I was registered, I just tried my luck for the 2nd time in a row. Thanks for the answer, and have an awesome day/night! ?
  2. Hey everyone! Whenever I try to register an account on World Of Trucks, it gives me this error message: "THE SPECIFIED STEAM ACCOUNT IS ALREADY ASSOCIATED WITH AN EXISTING ACCOUNT." as well as more details are visible in these 2 screenshots (I've also tried a different email address, username, but that doesn't change anything in my case: Also, I've just registered an account on TruckersMP before trying to do the same on WOT, so maybe that's why it isn't working? But that doesn't make sense to me because these are 2 different platforms ( although they're both ran by SCS & a WOT account can be linked to a TruckersMP Profile ). So, what can I do in order to fix this issue? Or I can use only 1 platform? I'm new to ETS2 so I've never tried to play MP (first time). Thanks in advance! ?
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