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Sir Jack Junior

Veteran Driver III
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About Sir Jack Junior

  • Birthday 12/23/2001

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  • Interests
    Trucking :)
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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
  • Known languages
    English, Spanish

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  1. Amen. I had to turn my rain off because it annoyed me too much or I just got rid of the display and had a normal sat-nav altogether.
  2. Not a terrible idea but barely anyone will actually follow said rules, as people have stated above, no one follows any traffic rules/signs now anyways.
  3. It would be awesome and make it much more realism to have diversions and stuff but then we have to consider the mayhem it could cause with huge traffic jams or people being silly.
  4. I think its a nice idea to have more customisable options but if it affects fps or ping then I wouldn't recommend it.
  5. I think fresh content and especially new trucks is always something everyone wants to see and get their hands on. I'd love to see at least one of these trucks added in the future.
  6. I like that bus and don't think it's a terrible idea, but then we have to remember this is a trucking simulator experience and if they start adding in too many buses and cars what's the point of buying a truck? That's just my thoughts on the topic.
  7. I actually really love this entrance just because it can be a challenge. To answer your question, to get in I always recommend going as far over away from the entrance as you can then swinging the truck in. OR, a good way to get in is to actually reverse in off the road if your up for a challenge. I personally find it sometimes easier to reverse in if the area is quiet. Some companies like this IRL are the same that have small entrances that aren't really made for trucks but a truck will get through.
  8. Good idea, it would be nice to show their participation.
  9. Well done guys! Awesome pictures!
  10. Very nice idea, I'm surprised SCS hasn't already made this an existing thing.
  11. Thanks for the follow!

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