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Incompatible ETS2 Version ×

Gandra SRB

Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Gandra SRB

  • Birthday 02/10/1970

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    Belgrade , Serbia
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    (PM) Germany: Bonn
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  1. Nice, TruckersMP convoy!!!!
  2. It was wonderful, congratulations to the organizers as well as the admins, and the drivers who drove responsibly.
  3. Promods 2.47 came out when will truker mp do the update for this version?

    1. Titanic4


      @Gandra 1970 Did you mean 2.57? Version 2.47 doesn't exist and if it somehow existed, it would be for 1.37 or 1.38 version of ETS2

    2. Gandra SRB

      Gandra SRB

      Sorry, 2.57 version.

    3. Coolio85


      Hey, unfortunately there is no ETA yet but make sure to keep an eye out on our socials!

  4. It doesn't support me either, and it can be seen in the status of server 1 and 2 and promods.
  5. I have the same problem??
  6. Ovo je strašno nov sam na Truckmp kako uživaju da udaraju u kamione , najbolje je pre podne igrati kada nema budala. Pozdrav svima!!!
  7. Pozdrav svima koliko vas ima!!!

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