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Veteran Driver III
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  1. Its just saying that is "invalid route!" or is it only bug at simulation 1 -server?
  2. Thanks to all for answers. Now its working good
  3. https://truckersmp.com/blog/289 I cant find this cargo or is it even possible to drive these? Must i download something? Best regards Noobdriver
  4. Oh ok. This help me alot. Thank u!
  5. Hello. Where can i find this kind of truckmod to Promods? This is the type
  6. Eetvartti


    Thank you very much @ASIR [CZE]! Now its working!
  7. Eetvartti


    Hmm. I cannot do this
  8. Eetvartti


    Thanks. This is added to game now but i cant find it from store. I have try this in singleplayer.
  9. Eetvartti


    What mods i need if i wants drive ekstra longs vehicles (Middle Europe, France, UK, ETC) in TruckersMP? Sorry if this a wrong topic
  10. Hello and thanks for tips. Its working well now, thank you!
  11. Its not happening anything, only authenticating at Simulation 1. Simulation 2 is working good and Promods. What should i do? Working. Sorry for this
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