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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About _IAmTrucker_

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  • Known languages
    Indonesian, English

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  1. @ALLIANCE Ryan Gabriel @FLUK3 congrats, your pic is amazing ??
  2. Nicоlás [Forza] iamRHT [Demir] 'Fedakar.K Congratulations guys ?
  3. Congratulations guys @FLUK3 @Tostbrot_XD @Unnamed_User ???, your pic are awesome
  4. Congrats guys ?@Strad @Sleix amazing photos
  5. CHECK THIS OUT!, new video on my YouTube Channel ?





  6. New video on my youtube channel "IAmTrucker99", don't forget to check it out!. and make sure you're like, subscribe, and share ?

  7. Hey guys, i also active on instagram "@iam.trucker99" and follow my Instagram for more photos ?

  8. New video on my youtube channel "IAmTrucker99", don't forget to check it out!. and make sure you're subscribe, like, and share ?

  9. Hey guys, i also make youtube video about my gameplay (ETS2 or ATS) My YouTube Channel "IAmTrucker99", make sure you're subscribe, like, and share .. ?



  10. waw... congratulations for all the winners
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