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XueTu 888 ChangAn

Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About XueTu 888 ChangAn

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  1. Good luck with your work?

    1. Agential.


      Thanks a lot! :HaulieLove:

  2. Thanks for the follow :HaulieLove:

  3. Thanks for the follow up

  4. How are you? Shall we play trucks today? EU Server 1 needs 12:00 UTC1

    1. XueTu 888 ChangAn

      XueTu 888 ChangAn

      Sorry, I have work to do.We'll have time to play together?

    2. //Ainariel
  5. Thanks for the follow!


  6. Thank you follow ?

  7. Thank you for the follow

  8. I hope I can make friends with you?

  9. 我希望我能和你交朋友?

  10. I hope I can make friends with you?

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